"I was 12 or 13 years old": Diemi's daughter Moore Rumer Willis told about early addiction to cigarettes


As you know, 32-year-old actress and singer, daughter Demi Moore Rumer Willis forever refused cigarettes, saying: "I do not want to be dependent on anything." The girl admits that this decision came to her very difficult, and truly abandon the addiction was even harder. This is no longer the first attempt to overcome the habit, but now, when Rumer "stuck" on Quarantine at home with his family, she took the final decision. The Empire star admitted that for the first time I tried the taste of cigarettes in childhood: "I remember that I was 12 or 13 years old and I watched TV shows or movies in which younger children smoked, which was so cool and defiant. I also wanted it. "

At 16, Rumemer was already an avid smokers, and by 25 years he tried to quit. Now the actress put priorities and realized that she needed to take care of the voice: "I played in the musical, and everything around me were such good singers, and I just had a moment when I said that I could not keep up with these people, if not Baroch smoking. " After that, she just went out to the street, bought several Nicorette patches and decided to do it. It was difficult to adhere to the intended goal, since everyone surrounded continued to smoke. There were breakdowns, but before the moment the star did not gain the "self-confidence."

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