Berlinale 2014. Aaron Paul, Bond and their long fall


But first, nevertheless, in brief about what it is. On New Year's Eve, four unfamiliar people are found at one of the roofs of London, in order to reduce scores with life. Popular TV presenter, single mother, daughter of famous politics and pizza delivery. Everyone has his own reasons, telling about which there would be wrong.

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These are completely different, at first glance, people find each other that support and support that they lack in ordinary life. But circumstances make up so that their failed suicide is under the closer attention of the entire press of London.

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Of course, the evaluation of critics is not an indicator. Why did you go with the show? Perhaps because the show layered on the expected "Two Leica of January". And maybe because even very cute, spiritual, but the cinema passage is not taken here to spend time. In any case, this does not claim a picture of the picture will not bring you any negative emotions.

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P.S. Aaron floor is a big good man. Unlike his colleagues, he stayed after a press conference, answered all the questions of television and distributed autographs to loss of the pulse. Applaud him!

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