Berlinale 2014: Shaia Labafe. Sex and sardines.


The morning began quite peacefully. The whole press area was delighted when Lars von Trier appeared on a photocol in the Cannes Film Festival T-shirt with the inscription "Persona Non Grata. OFFICIAL SELECTION. " But at a press conference we saw only the actors - the mind of Turman, Christian Slatera, Shayu La Baif, Stellan Scarsgard and the young Stacy Martin.

Berlinale 2014: Shaia Labafe. Sex and sardines. 88752_1

Rumors that Shaya La Baaf have a long time for self-control. But the behavior of the actor surprised absolutely everyone. Ten minutes after the start of the press conference, the Cuban journalist asked the young actors how difficult to be given bed scenes.

In response, Shaia poured the phrase "When the Seagulls Follow The Trawler, Its Because They Think Sardines Will Be Thrown Into The Sea. Thank You Very Much" (when seagulls follow the ship, it happens only because they think that Sardines will throw out In the sea. Thank you very much). And left the press conference. According to our foreign colleagues, the problems with La Buff began on Saturday, when three young people wanted to take a picture with the actor, and he attacked them.

Berlinale 2014: Shaia Labafe. Sex and sardines. 88752_2

In Nymphomaniac, La Baf plays the lover of the main character. Recall that the whole story begins when Stellan Skarsgard finds in the street beaten by Charlotte Gensbar. A woman tells him the story of his life in terms of sexual development. In fact, there is a clash of practice and theory, which leads to fun allegories. Name this cinematic masterpiece pornography does not turn the language.

"Nymphomanka" ... she as owls at David Lynch - not exactly what it seems. Like the hero Stellan Skarsgard, telling how to catch fish on the bait ... like the heroine Stacy Martin, clearly this bait demonstrating ... So and Lars von Trier teased his fans and ill-wishers, discharged by throwing information about the shooting of Nymphomank, With hints to the fact that there will be only sex in the film and nothing but sex.

What happened in fact - watch the movies next week.

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