Berlinale 2014 - Jack, Forest Whitaker and "Hotel Grand Budapest"


"Portrait" number 1 is a whole hotel. Hotel "Grand Budapest".

Berlinale 2014 - Jack, Forest Whitaker and

It is impossible to allocate someone of one of the acting composition, which collected in his film Wes Anderson. Hotel "Grand Budapest" is full of surprises and unexpected discoveries. Together with the hero of Jude Low, we will hear a stunning story where everything is intrigue, murder (there will be even a severed head), love, humor and, as it always happens in Anderson's films, notes of sadness and nostalgia.

In the center of this story - the legendary (and insanely charming) concierge Monsignor Gustav. By the will of the case, he is inherited from a certain eccentric Madame D. Very valuable canvas - "Boy with an apple". Madame relatives, of course, to put up with such a layout of things are not going ...

In the frame lights a multi-rayfain, Willem Defo, Evard Norton, Adam Brody, Jeff Goldblum, Sirsha Ronan. And episodically - Tilda Suinton, Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, Jason Schwartzman and Mathieu Amalric. In the Russian rental film from March 13.

Berlinale 2014 - Jack, Forest Whitaker and

Berlinale 2014 - Jack, Forest Whitaker and

Berlinale 2014 - Jack, Forest Whitaker and

"Portrait" number 2. "Jack". Jack just.

Berlinale 2014 - Jack, Forest Whitaker and

The competitive film "Jack" tells the story of a ten-year-old boy who is forced to take care of his little brother while their mother works and suits their personal life. After one unpleasant incident, social services take Jack to boarding school. For all the laws of the genre, the main character from there runs and turns out without a roof above his head.

A rather weak German picture, exposing a number of social problems in Germany.

Berlinale 2014 - Jack, Forest Whitaker and

"Portrait" number 3. Forest Whitaker.

Berlinale 2014 - Jack, Forest Whitaker and

Somewhere in the Mexican border. Dark-skinned man drags the lifeless body of the sheriff's helper. For this murder he sit down for 18 years, Icelas will try and will try to start life again. Can a person change in which no one believes in essence? French Arab Rashid Busushareg decided on a classic film remote with Alain Delon. But in the lead role he saw Foresta Whitaker. And Jean Gaben became the British actress Brand Bletlin.

Despite the fact that at the press conference, Mr. Whitaker was polite, intelligent and assured everyone that in such a film was a lot of happiness, the journalists of the gust were not strongly appreciated. And took the picture pretty cool. And the truth - Black Muslim would probably look organically in the French film, but on the American-Mexican border it looks at least strange.

Berlinale 2014 - Jack, Forest Whitaker and

Berlinale 2014 - Jack, Forest Whitaker and

Berlinale 2014 - Jack, Forest Whitaker and

Berlinale 2014 - Jack, Forest Whitaker and

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