Justin Bieber explained his strange behavior


"The biggest misconception on my account is that I am a bad person," Justin said. - It upsets me. In fact, I have a big heart. I would like to be a good example for imitation, but some people wish me failure. "

This is how the singer commented on his appearance in London without a shirt and with hazardous pants: "I still have a part of a concert costume, and I just rushed to the hotel." As for his photo in a gas mask, Bieber explained: "I wanted to hide my face from numerous cameras. This was just a joke. My friends with friends. "

Regarding the recent faint on the stage, Justin told the following: "I lost consciousness because of the flu. The most terrible for me was to upset fans, because I only performed five songs. So I was given an oxygen mask, and I decided to continue the show, and then apply to the hospital. Show must go on".

The singer assured that, despite all the difficulties, he is not going to give up: "This business can break you, but I am surrounded by a strong team, family and fans. Love overpays the whole negative. I am not perfect, but I'm growing and trying to get better every day. This is part of life. I am young and want to have fun. I do not think it is wrong. "

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