Nicky minage in Elle magazine. April 2013


About how she was mocked at school : "In childhood I encountered numerous bullying. Girls turned my life to hell. We had to move to America from another country. I and my brother was accent. It was very hard. So I always built the wall with each other and others - it was a mechanism of self-defense. I almost always expected people to start attack me. The wall exists so far. It is sad".

Her advice to women who want to achieve respect : "Here is my main advice to women: even if you do the usual work from 9 to 5, treat yourself as a boss. No need to arrogant, but you should clearly know what you want. And do not let people do something relating to you without your knowledge. It is necessary that everyone knows that you should not play with you. What with such a woman like you, you need to act according to the rules. That is the main idea. "

About her plans to conquer the whole world : "At first, my goal was to buy my mother's house. Now I understand that if I fully focus on business and I will become a key figure in it, I can build a whole empire. I mean the legacy, which I can be proud of, and well-being, which will allow my grandchildren to go to college. So my main goal is to conquer the whole world to fully provide your family. "

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