Nominees for the Oscar Prize in Time Magazine magazine


Ann Hathaway about himself and his heroine candy from the film "Rejected": "As a woman born in 1982, I have such a degree of freedom that Fantin could not even dream about."

Hugh Jackman about the prison sentence of his hero Jean Valzhan from the film "Molded": "It was most interesting to understand what prison was in those times. After all, the current idea of ​​prison is such that this is a place for rehabilitation, and ideally, people can return to society again, because they are already rehabilitated. And then it was different. One of the main topics Viktor Hugo - which cruel and ill-conceived this system was. The goal was not that you were rehabilitation. The goal was to turn you into the animal. "

Jessica Chestain in the theater and movies: "Seaiss, I work on the play" Heir ", and he goes in the theater at 900 seats. The performance is absolutely not the way the film would be on it. In the film you can think over each replica, and the camera turns into continuation of your soul. And you can see her. And in the theater, you must be sure that every person in the last row sees and perceives you. So, the rates rise, and it is necessary to treat the game much more carefully so that all your emotions are more noticeable. "

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