Paul U. S. Anderson will remove the ancient Roman history of love


Recall that Pompeii was completely destroyed due to the long eruption of Vesuvius volcano in the summer of 79, AD. The city remained buried under several meters of ash, his location was accidentally discovered in 1749.

Anderson notes the similarity of the future painting with the famous "Titanic" James Cameron, the plot will be built around historical events ending with a terrible disaster, against the background of which the touching story of love unfolds.

In the center of the dramatic history there is a slave of ship magnate, dreaming of buying freedom and marry the owner's daughter. However, he still does not know that the daughter is already promised to the Roman senator, and he himself sold to the new owner. And when it seemed that it could not be worse, Vesuviy begins to erupt with a capacity of 40 nuclear bombs. At this time, the slave is forcibly held on the ship heading to Naples, he continues further from his beloved and better friend - gladiator, who was trapped in the Arena Pompeii. Having learned that the fire and ashes burn all the dottle, the main character returns to save his loved ones.

The script of the upcoming film guide will be engaged in Julian Fellouse ("Young Victoria", "Tourist").

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