Daniel Craig will not return to the sequel "Girls with a dragon tattoo"?


A 44-year-old actor who played a journalist Mikael Blumvisist in the film screening of the book of Sting Larsson, demanded to increase his fee. What amount is about, but not reported, but after the grand success of the last episode of Bondians, Craig could really count on improving remuneration.

The studio is not ready to give in to the leading actor, because the first part of the trilogy brought its creators of $ 233 million, which turned out to be less than planned result. Currently, Sony intends to reduce the cost of shooting " Girls who played with fire "So Craiga will have to either leave the project, or agree to the former fee.

The other day, the representative of Daniel Craig said that the negotiations had not yet begun, but the actor really wants to return to the role of Blumvista. If the actor and the studio are not able to come to a profitable for both agreement, the crime thriller sequel will fully focus on the heroine Rooney Mary. Lisbet Salander.

Add the director of the first movie David Fincher Until officially confirmed and did not refute his involvement in Sicvel.

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