Naomi Watts on Show Jay Leno


Naomi could not sleep before the announcement of the nominees on Oscar because of the excitement and trouble with children. Even her joy, she had to restrain: "When I was nominated for the first time, my friends jumped on the bed and fought with pillows. And this time ... I didn't want to disturb the dream of children, even if they were disturbed by my. So I just held back squealing ".

On the set of the film "Impossible" about the tragic history of the family and Naomi itself had to experience some share from the main characters. Shooting under water was carried out as follows: the actress was tied to the chair and turned it until the air ended in her lungs. But one day something went wrong: "I wanted to get out of the chair, but I could not. And then he began to twist in the other side. It was very, very scary. I was terribly frightened. I thought that the director decided to make this whirl Long to be frightened to truly. And finally choosing, I was in a panic, frightened and furious. " Having heard this story, Jay asked: "And you did not have a code word to stop, as in" 50 shades of gray "?"

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