Emma Stone in the magazine W. February 2013


That she has to remain serious in dramas : "Sometimes in ordinary life it is difficult for me to stay from a joke. Recently, I started to notice this. Often for me a joke is a way to get rid of awkwardness in a particular situation. Therefore, it is quite exciting to participate in projects where there is nothing funny and carefree. "

About red tracks : "The first thought that comes to mind when you find yourself at the premiere or awarding:" What the hell am I doing here? " A bunch of people I have never met before, and it is so cool. But then, after some time you get used to and understand that this is only part of the work. There is only a couple of events, which I really feel that I had a great time. And "Oscar" is one of them. "

About your wardrobe in the movie "Hunters on Gangsters" : "All underwear on the filming was very capricious. It takes a lot of time to wear a bustier and a narrow corset every day. But so much faster it turns out to focus than in ordinary clothes. And easier to enter the image. "

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