Drew Barrymore in the magazine Good Housekeeping. February 2013


About pregnancy : "I did not appear in the public six or seven months. It was very nice to just be in silence. I washed every box at home. Disassembled all accumulated trash. That's how I lived at this time. "

About motherhood : "Most in Majorhood I like what every day becomes better. Every morning, when she [Olive] wakes up, I think mostly about whether I can make her smile. And the mood is immediately improved. This is a completely different way of life, and it is the most beautiful. "

About returning to the former physical form : "I do not worry about it. We live in such a society where everyone can say: "See how wonderful it looks two weeks after childbirth." I do not want to turn into a hamster that brighter twists the wheel. It's just hell. I will never have such a body that would make me rejoice at the bikini season. I have never had a "beach body". But I want to feel well. My goal is to like yourself and carefully treat yourself while I achieve this goal. This is such a special time. "

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