Nicole Kidman on Ellen Dezhenes


Nicole told about his happy family life: "The best thing is to be married to a musician, this is what music in the house sounds constantly. There is some kind of pleasure in this music. Whale it can play on any tools. At seven in the morning He go to the piano. Breakfast around the piano became the usual part of our life. " Also, the actress told Ellen on how her relationships began with a whale urban: "I tell him all the time that he did not fall in love with me at first glance. He didn't even notice me. And he assures that he noticed, but just did not apply . We met, and after four months he called. " Ellen was surprised: "Four months old? He really played in a notch, once waiting for so long."

Ellen soon plans to visit Motherland Nicole - Australia. She wanted to play a trip to this amazing country among the audience in the audience, but then decided to show amazing generosity and presented tickets to Australia to all those present. And Nicole congratulated the audience and wishes of the happy path.

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