Critics Choice Awards Prize Winners


Best movie:

"Argo Operation"

Best actor:

Daniel Day Lewis ("Lincoln")

Best actress:

Jessica Chestain ("Number one goal")

Best Second Planner:

Philip Seymour Hoffman ("Master")

Best Second Plan Actress:

Ann Hathaway ("Miserable")

Best young actor / actress:

Kuvenzhan Wallis ("Beasts of the Wild South")

Best director:

Ben Affleck ("Argo Operation")

Best cast:

"Silver Linings Playbook"

The best original script:

Quentin Tarantino ("Dzhango liberated")

The best adapted script:

Tony Kushner (Lincoln)

Best Animation Film:


Best Action:

"007: Skyfall coordinates"

Best action actor:

Daniel Craig ("007: Skyfall Coordinates")

Best Action Actress:

Jennifer Lawrence ("Hungry Games")

Best comedy:

"Silver Linings Playbook"

Best comedy actor:

Bradley Cooper ("My boyfriend is psych")

Best comedy actress:

Jennifer Lawrence ("My boyfriend is psych")

Best Horror / Scientific Fantastic Film:

"Time loop"

Best Foreign Film:


The best makeup:

"Cloud Atlas"

Best Visual Effects:

"Life of Pi"

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