Justin Bieber uses drugs


In addition, according to sources, young stars are made by unknown girls. The scandalous party happened the day after another unpleasant incident: the paparazzi, who watched the Ferrari Bieber, was shot down to the other car. Probably, the singer was so distressed with this news, which resorted to a radical way to relax. "Although I am not directly related to this tragic accident, my thoughts and prayers are now with the victim's family," Justin wrote in his tweet. The appearance of the scandalous photo, he preferred not to comment. Bieber limited himself only to the extensive message: "Every day I'm growing and learning. I try to become better. You are knocked down, but you rose. I see each of you. I hear each of you. I will never want to let go of someone from you. I love you".

Probably fans will be forgiven to their idol of this small oversight. And the sources from the stars' environment claim that his team is "not delighted with these pictures. They require the security service to find out who could do them. "

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