Kelly Clarkson told how she managed to lose weight


Motivation for Kelly, of course, became her favorite man: "I think it happens when you are in love with your ears or meet someone. If I want to conquer someone, I need to look great. "

To get rid of extra kilograms, the singer was hardly trained and reduced the number of calories consumed: "I was engaged with a coach. You will be surprised by the amount of weight that can be reset, if you double to cut the portions of food. I know it sounds insane, but try to do so a couple of weeks, and you will see what happens. I just reduced my servings, stopped being late in the evening, trained a little more than before. And as a result, she lost eight kilograms for the month. I think this happens when you are very busy. But if I have a lot of free time, the weight may return. "

However, Kelly clarified that she was not going so just to give up: "I am ready to work, because I want to be a healthy person, how life was. I added in weight, but at that moment I was happy in such a state. "

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