"Where is your male start?": Nastasya Samburskaya answered hard trick in social networks.


The actress Nastasya Sambursk was in the center of the scandal because of his statements about the financial equality of spouses. The actress admitted that it was not ready to associate life with a man who earns much less her. To the question, the actress could become a firefighter wife, Nastasya honestly replied that no. On his salary of 30 thousand rubles, the star of the screen could pay only housing and utilities services, which are in charge of 25 thousand rubles each month.

The network rose a wave of perturbation in response to words of artist, and insults and even threats fell into the address of Samboursk. One of Twitter users called firefighters and stated that Nastasya insulted him with such a comparison of the income of the actress and the rescuer.

Nastasya retained calm and did not answer the critics by their own words. The artist recalled that in her post there was not a single word about firefighters and people of other professions.

"Where is the riding and superiority on my part? And now the main question: does it give the right to the heroes-fireman, whose good feelings I hurt, to insult to the address, first of all, girls who roll in my account? Where is your male start and nobility, gentlemen firefighters?! " - outraged in turn Nastasya.

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