"Curvature of the Brain Correct": Sambursk reacted to the Surgeon's offer to reduce the curvature of the legs


Actress Nastasya Samburskaya complained to a surgeon who tried to lure her for the operation. The doctor offered an artist to get rid of the complexes about the curvature of the legs.

Nastasya considered an offensive Surgeon's offer to make liposuction to correct the shape of her feet. She answered the doctor sharply and showed his message to fans in the hope of finding support to their refusal.

The photo is clearly visible in the message. "To the last post. Liposuction of the inner surfaces of knee joints can reduce the curvature of the legs, "the actress interlocutor wrote.

The star was outraged that the doctor invites her an operation for which she had no testimony, and again passes through the patient on the pride of Nastasya. "The brain curvature is correct. I have an obvious lack of indicators for liposuction, "the actress answered sharply. She wrote on the picture that he did not represent how to kindly like such people.

For the first time, Sambursbskaya recently told about the complex of childhood, with whom I could not have done so far. Mom's girlfriend said that she had a leg curved, and the young Nastasya believed forever in his flaw. She admitted that with the disorder heaved her chosen one when he noticed her "Wokiki's feet."

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