Sophie Turner responded to rumors about the novel from Macy Williams: "Sometimes I want to kiss the best girlfriend"


Conan drew the attention of Sophie to rumors about the novel from Macy, and it turned out that the stars are aware of this story. Moreover, the actresses responded to them during the filming of the last season of the Games of the Thrones. "Of course, we knew about it. We decided to play out. During the filming of one of the scenes right in the midst of the dub, we pretended to be going to kiss each other. We wanted to see what reaction would cause it. But you know what? It is the "Game of Thrones", the incest is a familiar thing for it, so everyone has pretended that everything is fine, "Turner told.

Sophie Turner responded to rumors about the novel from Macy Williams:

Sophie Turner responded to rumors about the novel from Macy Williams:

The master still clarified, whether it was their joke on them, for which Sophie sarcastically noticed: "Well, you know, just sometimes you want to kiss the best girlfriend." The Turner should use this topic for the trailer for his future film about friendship with Williams, and then the scored halls are provided. But while the star has to play a wedding with Joe Jonas, which they planned to spend this summer. It is not known exactly where and when the ceremony passes, but the screen sister Turner will definitely be a girlfriend of the bride.

Sophie Turner responded to rumors about the novel from Macy Williams:

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