Ksenia Borodina called Nastasya Sambursk "Nearby Babeen"


Having provoked the situation of the star of the series "Univer" by posting the ambiguous photos on his page, on which it was possible to assume that she was resting in Spain with his husband Borodina. Celebrity fans in Instagram began to write outrageous comments, supporting Borodin and condemning sambourous. The actress in response made an angry lunge to Ksenia, writing that he was not great to give birth to children from different men. Well, and the leading "house 2" also did not make himself wait for a long time, calling the Samboursk "Nearby Babeña", which brings at the expense of her. It should be noted that the actress really has enough difficult, if not to say frankly scandalous, the character - not so long ago there were rumors that, because of their scandalous behavior, Sambursk lost his role in the "University".

Borodin expressed pity for such women who live someone else's life, forgetting about her. "They live me, and I live your life," Ksenia wrote. On this "roll call" and ended. What will end this story, it is not clear, only one thing is understandable - the scandal is gaining momentum and inevitably turns his rumors.

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