And Oscar (someday) will come ...


Best movie



Terribly loud and extended close


Keeper of Time

Midnight in Paris

The man who changed everything

Tree of Life

Battle horse

The best performer. Main male role

Demian Bashir for the "Best Life"

George Clooney for "descendants"

Jean Duzharden for "Artist"

Gary Oldman for "Spy, Get out!"

Brad Pitt for "Man who has changed everything"

The best performer. Main women's role

Glen clowd for "Mysterious Albert Nobbs"

Viola Davis for "serving"

Rooney Mara for "Girl with a Dragon Tattoo"

Maryl Strip for "Iron Lady"

Michelle Williams for "7 Days and Nights with Marilyn"

The best performer. Minor male role

Kennet Brand for "7 Days and Nights with Marilyn"

John Hill for "man who has changed everything"

Nick Walt for "Warrior"

Christopher Plammer for "Beginners"

Max background Zydov for "terribly loud and extended closely"

The best performer. Minor female role

Berenice Bezho for "Artist"

Jessica Chestyne for "servants"

Melissa McCarthy for "Gull Party in Vegas"

Janet Maktir for "Mysterious Albert Nobbs"

Octavia Spencer for "serving"

Best director

Woody Allen for "midnight in Paris"

Michel Khazanavichus for "artist"

Terrence Malik for "Tree of Life"

Alexander Pain for "Descendants"

Martin Scorsese for the "Guardian of Time"

Best original script


Bed party in Vegas

Risk limit

Midnight in Paris

Divorce of hope and symine

Best adapted script


Keeper of Time

Martov Ida

The man who changed everything

Spy, come out!

Best animated film

Cat life

Chico and Rita

Kung Fu Panda 2

Puss in Boots


Let me remind you that the 84 presentation ceremony will be held on February 26 in Los Angeles Kodak theater.

Honestly, I do not know how you, but I am in a light shock.

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