Chris and Liam Hemsworths plan to play together in the comedy militant


In recent years, the family of Hemsworth has become well known in Hollywood. Chris Hemsworth played Torah in the filmmoven Marvel, Liam is known on the film "Hungry Games", as well as the series "Neighbors" and "Princess of Elephants", Luke is removed in the Wild West World. But together the audience brothers did not see. In a recent interview with Men's Health Liam, reported that it could change it soon. He is going to be held together with Chris in comedy.

Chris and Liam Hemsworths plan to play together in the comedy militant 91049_1

I admire my brother Chris. I had to work with many people in recent years, but I know little, who has such a strong labor discipline. He is constantly concentrated. I am grateful to what I have it and I can use his knowledge. I have been ringing him all the time to find out his opinion, as I need to do. We are going to play together this year in the film, which can be described as a comedy fighter,

- Shared the plans actor.

By the way, Liam Hemsworth was practically approved for the role of Torah in the filmsened Marvel. He even starred for the studio in the image of this character. But at the last moment the role was given to his brother.

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