I would never have learned: it became known who played Ed Shiran in "Star Wars"


In December 2018, information appeared that the British pop musician Ed Shiran would fulfill one of the many Kameo in the film "Star Wars: Skywalker: Sunrise". For a long time it was assumed that he was prepared by the role of one of the attack aircraft, but in fact everything turned out not so. Recently, a link to the article appeared on the official page of Star Wars on Twitter, in which different "Easter", hidden in Skywalker, was revealed. Sunrise". From this material it turned out that Shiran appeared in the film in the image of the "aliens who fights on the side of the resistance". That's what it looks like:

I would never have learned: it became known who played Ed Shiran in

Who is this guy? No answer. Interestingly, a concrete name is enshrined at all other "Easter" Kameo in "Star Wars". For example, the producer Radiohead Nigel Godrich played the N-2802 attorney, composer John Williams - Barmen on the planet Kiji named Ohm Tres (in this name, the word "Maestro" is encrypted). As shiran's character, it did not follow any clarifying information.

I would never have learned: it became known who played Ed Shiran in

Interestingly, in a promotional video dedicated to the release of the final episode of "Skayufoockers" episode, Cyranana can be seen in the suit of the attack aircraft. Does this mean that he fulfilled two cameo in the film at once, or he just tried out such an outfit at one of the events in the framework of the Star Wars to introduce all of the misconception? There is no clarity in this matter.

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