"The child was secretly taken to Peter": Yulia's husband Peresilde against her will removed the daughter in the scandalous film "Tsoi"


The star of the film "Battle for Sevastopol" Julia Peresilde recently told that he would not want their children acting fate. However, despite the protests of the actress, her youngest daughter, eight-year-old Masha, has already debuted into the movies.

Thus, the 36-year-old actress was categorically opposed to the daughters of Anna and Maria filmed into the cinema, but the father of girls, the director Alexey Teacher, has another point of view. Despite the opinion of his wife, he had already managed to remove Masha in his picture about the life of the famous musician Viktor Tsoi. The young actress played the role of the son of a cult rock musician in the film "Tsoi", which went to large screens in November of this year.

As Julia Peresilde admitted in the program "Cinema in detail", she until the last moment tried to protect his children from the world of cinema. According to the star mother, it is necessary to mature for this art, it is necessary to understand that it has time for this. "I terribly resisted that Masha was filmed in this movie. They deceived me. They took the child to Peter, samples were secretly held there and they were approved, "the spouse of the famous director frankly shared it.

At the same time, the girl passed all the difficulties very worthy. Masha got up at four in the morning, if there was such a need, and worked on the site without whims, performing all the instructions of his famous father.

The actress admitted that she tried not to come to the set in order not to disturb her daughter to fulfill his role. However, she managed to accidentally see one episode, which was shocked in a state of shock: an eight-year-old girl was thrown into the icy water. After that, she understood that she was too hard to look at what was happening, and decided not to interfere in this process anymore, trusting her husband and the girl's father - Alexey teacher.

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