"Then I apologized": Yulia Savicheva remembered how he left her husband after miscarriage


The famous singer Julia Savicheva became the heroine of Youtube-show "Why am I?", Where I revealed some details of my personal life. In particular, it is known that the artist has no time to become a mom: at first she could not become pregnant, and when it happened, it happened. As a result, as a performer noted, her relationship with her husband Alexander Arshinov was noticeably spoiled - the star even decided to leave him.

About the period of Savichev recalls as follows: "This is my stupidity. I am an emotional man, my quick temper failed me. Then I apologized. I realized that I did stupidity ... just so everything was layered, there were difficult moments in life. After the tragedy happened, it began to accumulate everything. "

Recall that in 2017, the long-awaited replenishment was happened in the star family: Julia gave birth to her husband's daughter Anna. The girl lives with a grandmother in Portugal. By the way, many condemned the singer for the fact that she allegedly left her child. However, Julia emphasizes that this decision is made jointly with her husband and his mother: everyone unanimously agreed that the girl would be better in the country with a warmer climate. In addition, Julia works a lot, and therefore, according to her, it would not be able to give daughter a sufficient amount of time and attention.

As for the relationship of the artist with her husband, over time they were imprisoned. In his personal microblogging in Instagram, the star recognized that Alexander is a talented, patient and wise man who is experiencing more than she for himself. Note that Arshinov and Savicheva are married for more than five years.

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