From Koshkina require money "Volunteers": "Someone is trying to threaten"


Sooner or later, many Russian colebritis, especially those who earn money on their social networks, are faced with the situation when they begin to sacrifice or collect money for charity. The desire to help the needy arises from many people rich in terms of a simple manual and finds support among follovers of famous media daisies. However, most often the collection of money passes under the auspices of Internet fraudsters, which, hiding behind a loud name of the stars, feed their pockets. Under any post instance, one way or another appears a comment asking for help. As a rule, we are talking about collecting money for the treatment of a seriously ill child or in various charitable funds. But not always for this call for help cost real people with their problems and troubles.

With its "sad" experience of interaction with fraudsters, a star TNT is shared - actress Yana Koshkina. About a million people signed an instagram-account actress that among bloggers are considered not very large digit, but sufficient to attract the attention of unclean to the hand of citizens. The 30-year-old favorite of men told that after she helped one sick child, she began to receive calls from unknown numbers with real threats. The callers called themselves "volunteers" and demanded money from her, and in the event of a refusal threatened actress.

Koshkina saw a post about a small boy who was required to collect a large amount for expensive medicine. The actress was penetrated by the story of the baby and took the hottest participation in his fate, attracting all his acquaintances and friends to help. As a result, the patient received a cherished medicine, but the phone actresses suddenly turned out to be available in any suspicious personalities, and her life turned into a real nightmare.

"For about half a year, I have been receiving calls from different people daily. At any time of the day and night. And for some reason, almost always - with the requirement of money! With the requirement. Someone is even trying to threaten if I do not answer calls or SMS, "the star complained and turned to fraudsters to leave her alone and regret the children and those who helps them, spending personal time, nerves and money.

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