Olga Buzova will not be the leading "house 2": "Absolutely different situation"


Olga Buzova will not be the leading project "House 2", which in an updated format will be broadcast on the TV channel. This is reported by the elast edition with reference to sources.

According to the newspaper, Buzova, which over the years of participation in the show has become one of his symbols, will not take part in the coming issues.

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"Olya is a direct association with a" house 2 "on TNT, because it was here that she was now growing out of it. None of the leadership was never opposed to she participate in some kind of projects of competitors: in the "Ice Period" on the "first", nor in the "mask" on NTV, nor in the "Forte Boyard" on the STS, but lead " 2 "On someone else's channel is a completely different situation," the interlocutors of Starkhita are considered.

Particularly interlocutors of the publication noted that the reason for the lack of Buzova is not related to finance. The fact is that rumors appeared not so long ago, as if the famous TV presenter paid 30 million rubles. According to Starkhit, Buzova promised many programs made specifically for it on TNT.

We note, the shooting of new episodes are already in full swing, and the project will return on the screens on April 19. According to the organizers, not only the recent heroes will return to "House 2", but also the old participants: Julia Efremenkova and Simon Martinshin, Nadezhda Ermakov and Gleb Pearchugov, Alena Rapunzel, as well as her mother, boyfriend and son.

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