Catherine Zeta-Jones know how to keep marriage if husband is 25 years older


Hollywood actress Catherine Zeta-Jones told how to build a successful relationship if your husband is over 25 years old. The details of the family life, the artist shared in a conversation with WSJ Magazine.

According to Zeta-Jones, the most important thing in their relationship with Michael Douglas is a sense of humor and interest in each other.

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"First, we are very fun together. My husband is 25 years older than me, it's not a secret. And it would be abnormal if there were no takeoffs and falls. The basis is love and respect. And we never, never lost a sense of humor and enjoy each other's society, "the artist admits.

She also noted that their flexible acting schedule allows them more time to spend each other.

"Unlike many couples, we have never had a permanent job from 9 to 5. We either work or not. So in our relationship there was a lot of time when we were only ourselves, "the artist explains.

At the end of the conversation, Zeta-Johnx stated that for all the time of living together their humor remained unchanged.

Note, Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones met in 1998, and in November 2000 married. For twenty years of living together, a couple started two children: Dylan Michael, born in 2000, and Caris Zetu, which was born in 2003.

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