Rumor: Christian Bale may return to the role of Batman


The development of a solo film about Flash began in 2013. The script corresponded several times, and the director replaced each other in this post. Some time ago, the situation has stabilized. The creators stated that the film will introduce a multiverse and that Bin Afflecks and Michael Kyton can return to the roles of Batmans. The director's chair was taken by Andres Mussetti, the author of the Dilogy "It". The last period has already begun, however, apparently, the script continues to be modified. One of the information close to the production of insiders reported that the studio was negotiating with Christian Bail about his return to the role of a dark knight in the coming ribbon. According to rumors, the actor can replace the kiton.

Despite the fact that the participation in the story of Batman from Tim Berton films was confirmed, Kiton recently questioned his return to the famous image. Details of what is happening remains secret. Someone believes that in Flasha, three batments will be seen at once, and someone adheres to the position of the replacement of Kiton Bale.

When it became known about the studio plans for the multi-model and the possible return of Afflec and Kiton, the fans began to discuss the repetition of the religious image and Bail. The actor then stated that he was not against reasseeing a dark knight's costume again, but only with the consent of Christopher Nolana, the director of the latter at the moment paintings about Batman.

The premiere of Flash is scheduled for November 3 of next year.

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