Batman Rivza will not compete with Nolana's trilogy


Judging by the test personnel "Batman" led by Robert Pattinson, you might think that the new film will be the most gloomy filmmix about the Dark Knight. Perhaps, in fact, it will really turn out to be so, but the Greg Fraser operator, "Mandalorets", "Dune") argues that such a turn would not be a consequence of a clear plan on the part of the creators. According to Fraser, he and director Matt Rivz did not intentionally did so that their upcoming film seems even more sullen than the trilogy of Christopher Nolan "Dark Knight". In an interview with Collider Fraser said:

This is a good question, and we ask this question yourself. Of course, I can not talk about it extremely specifically. Of course, this character is inherent in gloomy, and we need to create a mood that will match the film about Batman. I do not think that visually we will have something painfully gloomy, because it is not what we strive for. We do not try to compete and compete in removing something as dark. We simply try to create intrigue. I like what some comics about Batman look like. In these graphics novels there is a style. I will have to highlight it, like a zipper. It is hard work, but it is worth it.

Also, the Fraser crumbled in the compliments of Matt Rivzu, especially noting his films from the series "Planet Monkeys". Earlier, Fraser has already worked under the start of the rivza, when they filmed fantasy horror "let me. Saga "(2010). As for Batman, then his release is scheduled for September 30, 2021.

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