"It was in the sixth grade": Alexander Buynov explained why he does not part with dark glasses


Singer Alexander Buynov, who celebrates his 70th anniversary on March 24, remembered his childhood and told why sunglasses are wearing junior years. As the musician in the program "The Fate of Man" admitted on the TV channel "Russia 1", the children's fun became failing, and not the desire to seem brutal macho.

Being a mischievous schoolboy, Buynov loved boyish entertainment. One day, friends decided to steer with carbide bombs. When one of them did not bother, Alexander went to check what is the reason. After a few seconds, carbide still detected, damaging the Byunov's eyes. Doctors diagnosed the burner of the cornea, which was the reason that the singer stopped appearing at the light without dark glasses.

"Previously, in our childhood it was fashionable to make carbide bombs. This is such a bank with nails. Here we are friends with friends. I went to check why she does not explode, and she was shuffled at that moment. Minus 5.5 since his eyesight in both eyes, "the musician frankly told.

Byunova has sharply deteriorated not only vision, but also performance. The pop artist admitted that he simply stopped seeing what was written in the textbook. This caused low progress.

"It was in the sixth grade. I rolled at school immediately on the top three. I just did not see the tasks and stopped understanding the solutions of examples, "the performer explained.

However, the incident prevented Alexander Buynov to become popular, and the glasses gave brutality, which so much like his fans.

During the interview, Buinov also admitted that he was divorced by his first chosen by telephone. He had to give up a pregnant couple who had a poorly accepted parents. After an abortion, they did not communicate. After many years he learned that she died in a fire. It became a real blow to Alexander, who spent the day and refused the concert.

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