Bloggers found out how many kilograms Christian Bale lost and gained a career


On the YouTube Channel MetaFlix decided to figure out how many kilograms were losing and gained Christian Baile for his career. They decided to begin with the film "Little Women" of 1994, in which Bale starred at the age of 20. The authors of the study decided that by this age the weight of a person, as a rule, stabilizes, so all the earlier work, including the debut film of Baila "Mio, My Mio" directed by Vladimir Grammatikov, was thrown back.

Bloggers found out how many kilograms Christian Bale lost and gained a career 91712_1

The main differences of the weight fell into two stages of the actor cinema. In 2004, he starred in the thriller Brad Anderson "Machinist", for which he lost up to 56 kilograms, and then began shooting in "Batman: the beginning", typing for a 43 kilogram. Similar history repeats almost 15 years later. After Christian Bale played in the film "Power" directed by Adam McKea Vice President Dick Cheney and gained more than 30 kilograms for this role, he had to lose weight to fulfill the role of the Miles of Ken Miles in the film "Ford against Ferrari" James Mangold.

As a result, according to the authors of the study, the actor summarically scored and lost weight for a quarter of a century by 274 kilograms.

The actor himself says that in order to lose weight, loneliness is required. It is easier to control yourself and keep from temptations. And to gain weight, you need to meet with friends as often as possible. On friendly sites there are always food, you can relax and eat everything.

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