"Hound in the life of Pugachev": 43-year-old difference between Christina and Lisa are discussed on the network


On the fan page in the social network under the name Elizabeth Galkina, a collage of two photographs appeared, on which the heiress of Alla Pugacheva was captured.

Christina Orbakayte, which in the spring will celebrate the fifty-year-old anniversary, and seven-year-old Lisa looked perfectly with each other. Both blue-eyed blondes were in elegant dresses, the senior is stylish styling and professional make-up, younger - for some reason the veil on the head and the bride bouquet in the hands.

The pictures were signed by one word - "sisters", accompanied by Emodi in the form of a heart and prayer-folded palms. And network users noted in their comments, which has never seen a joint photo on which Pugacheva's daughters would pose together. On the same collage, they look not like sisters, but rather like mom with a child. At the same time, Folloviers also drew attention to the fact that relatives are completely different from each other.

"There is no similarity", "do not mix people", "nothing in common," "completely different types and breed people", "beautiful, but completely different," "wounded in the life of Pugachev, I imagine that Christina's soul", - reason Subscribers.

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Recall, Christina was born in 1971 in marriage Alla Pugacheva with her first husband, a circus artist Mycolas Orbakas. And Lisa appeared in 2013 together with Harry's brother. It is known that the children of the Primateonna and her fifth husband Maxim Galkin took place and gave birth to a surrogate mother.

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