Kelly Osborne about their body in the magazine Glamour. May 2012.


About uncertainty : "I grew up in constant traffic along with my dad Ozzy Osborne. But in general, I come from a very small town where everything tease me: "Skull Kelly with a big belly, the dad is shown on TV." Even now I do not feel thin. But I hardly worked hard on my body and learned in the process to truly love myself. "

That you do not need to compare ourselves with someone : "Women are so cruel towards themselves. We do not notice our own beauty, because too busy by comparing themselves with others. Not, we are not all as Giselle Bundchen, not all as Beyonce. But I can tell you that even the most beautiful girls feel insecurity. It is enough for me to see how they are discussing my friend Kim Kardashian and Kate Moss to never dream of the status of the first Beauty. There are no ideal people. "

About what you need to be able to stand up for yourself : "Sometimes you need to make other people silence. It is like in the case of me and Christina Aguilera. Many people do not understand this. She called me fat for years. And once in the program "Fashion Police" I said: "You went. Now you are also fat. " I did not say that was not Tolstoy. I said: "Now you know what it is." Sorry, but I think I did right. "

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