"I had a hangover": Victoria Beckham laughs a displeased face on the archive video


Victoria Beckham achieved a lot on the British stage and managed to embody the dream of millions of girls about personal happiness with a famous man - being known to no longer to a lesser extent than one of the greatest football players of Misty Albion. However, the musical past continues to pursue the star, and recently all fans of Spice Girls presented a comic Christmas gift.

This gift was the fun archival video of the rates of "Perchok" to the zenith of pop glory. Girls are sitting in a row at a press conference, before each installed a microphone, they utter the sum of the words - about creative plans and achievements, about the joy for the dedication of fans, about new tour and concerts.

Pronounce everything except Victoria itself. The future Mrs. Beckham is rather hiding behind his microphone and clearly does not intend to pronounce speeches. However, the acoustic device is not able to hide the stone expression of the Victoria face. After the speeches of other participants, SPICE GIRLS are waiting for some words from a beautiful brunette - but she gets up and leaves, the companions distract the attention of the public with their jokes, and the press conference continues.

Bekham explained his actions of 20-year old ago with a strong hangover and fears for his non-resident manifestations directly to the microphone. "I can say in my defense that I had a heavy hangover," Victoria wrote in Stories. The star noted that he now leads a healthy lifestyle and would like to warn young artists from excessive libations - even when creative successes give a serious reason for this.

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