Victoria Beckham admitted that she was mocked at school


Victoria Beckham wrote an essay for Vogue Australia, which spoke about the difficult school years and the importance of kindness. The former participant of Spice Girls says that was a clumsy adolescent, had few friends and at school mocked her.

When I studied at school, I was a clumsy teenager, I had few friends, and looking back at that time, I understand that I had mocked me. I won't wish anyone to feel what I felt then. Therefore, when my daughter Harper went to school, I told her: "If you see a little girl on the playground, which is sitting alone - invite her to play. Shatting with her, because your mom was once the same girl. " I want the children to understand that they are not alone if near Harper,

- Writes Victoria.

Victoria Beckham admitted that she was mocked at school 91892_1

The wife of David Beckham believes that being evil is no longer cool and not fashionable.

Cool to be kind. Pandemic made kindness even more important. Now everything is not clear, everyone is nervous and afraid. This is our responsibility - to protect our children and explain to them about the importance of tolerance, mutual understanding and support [...] No matter where you and who are you - everyone can be kinder. It is worth nothing, but gives a wonderful feeling. And the negative requires much more energy,

- noted Victoria.

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