"Such a home": Svetlana Khodchenkova showed "honest" photo without makeup


Actress Svetlana Khodchenkova showed fans the moment from the workflow over the film. Photography of the kinodius without a gram of cosmetics led fans delight.

Svetlana published a frame in a personal blog made by her friend Alexander Tsapkin during a rehearsal. They worked on a short film, discussing behavior in the frame. The picture must be present at the Action Charitable Auction!. According to the photo it is clear that the work was delayed: on the table in front of Svetlana, there is half a written notebook with marks. During the discussion, the star managed to get drunk and holds a cup of tea in her hand.

The actress came to a meeting with colleagues without makeup and styling. She left her hair away, allowing them to lie freely on their shoulders and descend on the chest. Thanks to the lighting from the table lamp, it is noticeable which bright eyebrows and eyelashes. Dressed Hodchenkova is also quite simple: in a sports suit of brick-red color.

Subscribers showered the celebrity by compliments, noting that even with tough graphs it retains beauty.

"As always charming", "Amazing beauty, nice to watch", "Russian beauty", "admire you", "I want to consider Svetlana as a work of art", "she is so alone," Folloviers admired.

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