15 stars of the 69th Venetian Film Festival


So if you have no vacation plans at the end of August-October, you can safely take tickets to Venice and catch your pets somewhere around Lido Island.


Kate Hudson ("Fundamentalist in vain")

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Venice will introduce the opening film - "Fundamentalist to unwitting." The show will be held on August 29. By the way, this is the only picture that we know exactly the date of the premiere. The schedule of the rest of the films to journalists will be issued at registration.

Rachel Mak Adams ("To Admiration" and "Communication") and Numi Rapass ("Communication")

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In the Venetian film festival, two films will be shown with the participation of Mac Adams. This is "to the admiration of" Terens Malica and "Passion" Brian de Palm. So the presence of an actress in Italy can be spent almost with 100% confidence.

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Well, after the "Prometheus", finally secured the status status not only European, but also Hollywood. I really hope that the Swedish actress will get to the premiere of the film "Passion".

Ben Affleck and Javier Bardem ("to admiration")

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We certainly forgive the Spanish actor, if he decides not to come to Venice, but Bena Affale in "to admiration" role is the role. Therefore, we will wait for it.

Zach Efron ("at any cost")

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A young American actor does not get out of European film festivals. In May, he visited Cannes with the team of the film "Newspaper", and now, let's hope, will come to Venice to present the picture "at any cost." By the way, she is in the competition.

James Franco ("St. Vacation" and "Ice")

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Another actor representing two films at the festival. The first is in the main program, the second can be seen outside the contest. James, come!

Celina Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens ("Vlotovy Vacation")

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Two intrigue finger, which can lift interest in the arrival of girls. The first will be accompanied by Selina Justin Bieber? And the second - how to host the meeting of the former Beloved Heloders and Efron. I hope they will be set in the same hotel.

Philip Seymour Hoffman, Hoakin Phoenix and Amy Adams ("Master")

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The long-awaited film of Paul Thomas Anderson (not to be confused with Paul U.S. Anderson) "Master" will still appear in the competitive program of the festival. Personally, I'm waiting for him with impatience and really hope to get to the show

Robert Redford and Shaya La Beef ("Dirty Games")

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Redford is one of the few actors who (retraining in the director) take a very strong visual cinema. We will very hope that dirty games from this series. The film is presented outside the contest. Plus there is a chance that this show will be captured and Shaya La Bef

Pierce Brosnan ("All you need is love !!")

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Everyone learned about Dane Susannun, after her film "Revenge" received an Oscar for the best painting in a foreign language. Now she is removed Pierce Brosnan and "All you need is love !!" Show out the contest at the Venetian Film Festival.

P.S. I apologize in advance that there is no Rachel Weiss, Malkovich, Michael Shannon, Shi Tsu, etc. Perhaps the title had to add "15 popcorn-stars" :)

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