The network was rated the figure of Rudkovskaya in a bathing suit: "You can recover a bit"


Music producer Yana Rudkovskaya originally congratulated the long-standing girlfriend Tatyana Navka happy birthday. The secular lioness found their joint photo of a six-year old ago and, together with the wishes, published on his page in Instagram.

"Tanya, see what I found! 2015, the second and third day after your wedding. We are funny and happy on the shore of the Black Sea, "the Rudkovskaya Frame signed.

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Tatiana and Yana posed, frills hugging, in swimsuits and sunglasses. I liked the snapshot from the personal archive of the producer so much fans that almost 60 thousand likes and hundreds of comments scored in just a few hours.

However, together with compliments were under the post and other reviews. Many Rudkovskaya fans noted that she looked too thin.

"Such thin," "can be corrected a little", "You are not similar about yourself," Follovier wrote.

But the majority had just envied the tightened figures of producer and figure skater. Fans remembered that even after leaving the Great Sports, Tatiana participates in ice shows and trains a lot.

"Pupae", "Such Contenniki", "Very atmospheric Photography", "Such Figures! And how do you manage? " - Shared impressions subscribers.

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