David Schvimmer told how the production of a special issue "Friends" is promoted


David Schvimmer gave an interview with NBC News, in which he told about his work on the role in the new Sitkom "intelligence". Schvimmer plays a unlucky employee of the US National Security Agency Jerry, who is directed to fighting cybercrime. He does not understand anything in it, but the exorbitant pride and the ability to use Wikipedia allow Jerry to issue himself for the expert. What is very annoying his more experienced colleagues. Schwimmer so told about the project:

I like the idea of ​​the traditional comedy of the workplace positions when it comes to high rates in the world of opposition to national security and cyberrorism.

David Schvimmer told how the production of a special issue

He also told about promoting a project to create a special episode of "Friends":

We have already many worked aspects of the future show. They are not recorded in the script, it will be small unexpected funny pieces. Everyone worries the question: when? We are still trying to figure out this yourself because we want to do the project when it is safe for everyone. This can happen in mid-August. After a week or two, we again discuss this question. And we will meet if we decide that it is quite safe. And if not, then we will wait until everything is in order.

Публикация от David Schwimmer (@_schwim_)

Initially, a special episode was planned to be removed in March, and the premiere should have coincide with the opening of the HBO Max service. But the coronavirus pandemic threw these plans.

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