Official person 2020: Syon Sean Penn caused a rapid discussion on the network


Sean Penn is the legendary Hollywood actor who continues his creative path and is not going to stop at what. It often appears on television, where it gives a detailed interview about his life and career. True, some celebrations of the celebrity sometimes shock the public and the media.

So, recently Sean Penn decided to speak at the MSNBC morning show, but made it an unusual way. He literally rolled out of the bed, showing herself to a non-liberated and disheveled. In the morning show, he planned to discuss his own non-profit organization Core, which provides free Coronavirus tests in Los Angeles and other parts of the United States of America.

However, the organization's discussion did not cause such an excitement as the appearance of the Penn itself. Because the social network Twitter was simply exploded from a variety of messages with a screenshots of the actor, made during the broadcast of the show. "I'm going to put this photo of Sean Penn in a time capsule to submit this 2020", "official person of 2020", "Sean Penn really instills love for remote work," "Congratulations to you with the fact that you have become a model of 2020, Sean! ", - Network users wrote.

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