"The daughter must be proud of": Advanced Katy Perry showed a figure in pulling underwear


The American singer and actress Katie Perry showed her figure after recent birth. The star put up a series of publications in his Instagram account. On the first she poses in a gold dress without shoulders with an incredibly lush neckline. In the signature Perry concisely wrote the "mother" by adding a smiley in the form of a heart.

In the second publication, taken from the Tiktok page of the singer, she defills the Golden Era of Hollywood films to classic music. Perry on the podium goes in a blue lacquered coat, completely smelted. When the girl comes to the end, then dramatically dies the dress under which there is a pulling beige underwear. In the signature, she only pointed out Hesteg.

"What women do for you," writes Perry.

Fans came to taste a jesting publication. In the comments, they laugh along with the idol, some write that Perry looks incredibly attractive, despite the recent birth.

"Daisy Davils should be proud of his mother," Folloviers are sure.

As a result, both publications have collected thousands of compliments from fans from around the world. Fans believe that Perry is incredibly attractive, and the fact that she is not afraid to show a figure after childbirth and publish a video in lingering, deserves respect.

Katy Perry became Mom quite recently. At the end of August of this year, the singer published a record in which he told that they were with the actor Orlando Bloom became parents. Daughter called Daisy Paving Bloom.

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