Katy Perry returned to work in a month and a half after childbirth


Six weeks ago Katy Perry first became mom: the singer was born a daughter, which Daisy Daving was called. And today Katie returned to the Schedule of the American Idol Show. In the studio Perry shone in a long suit, shoes and a hat with a cow's print and looked fresh and loose.

Katy Perry returned to work in a month and a half after childbirth 92357_1

Katy Perry returned to work in a month and a half after childbirth 92357_2

Last month, Katie laughed at his own kind of new mammies, showing her home look in postpartum underwear, without laying and makeup. The singer jokingly pointed out as a stylist "exhaustion".

Katy Perry returned to work in a month and a half after childbirth 92357_3

During pregnancy, Perry shared his own well-being and said that the child's tolerant was not easy.

I reverse like a duck, it's hard for me to breathe, I constantly breathe my mouth, it is loud and disgusting,

- Katie told. She also noted that during pregnancy, "all possible emotions" survived and even fell into depression due to many anxiety, including because she had to give birth during the coronavirus pandemic. But now the singer and her groom Orlando Bloom came blond times. A couple enjoys parental responsibilities and is very glad to sleep their daughter at night.

In a recent interview, Bloom called it a "gift over" and said that Katie considers him a "caster of children."

When Katie was pregnant, I sang a child Buddhist mantra, which I know from 16 years. And now, when I enter into the room, the baby hears my voice and immediately calms down. And when I walk with her, I spoil her ear, she likes, she reacts very well. And Katie does not understand what I do, as if I am a caster caster. But our child sleeps at night, it's just a gift over,

- Shared joy actor.

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