The strangest habits of Hollywood stars


Olivia Mann.

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The star TV series "News Service", "University" and "Chuck" Olivia Mann has one very strange habit - the actress breaks his eyebrows, as a result of which makeup artists account for a very long time and painstakingly "mask" the result of cosmetics. Actually, it is not even a habit, and pathology is known in medical circles as trichothylomania, or pathological attraction to pulling out their own hair.

Terry Hutcher

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The star of "Desperate Housewives" struggles with their age really desperately: 50-year-old Terry a few years ago he had a habit of constantly taking baths with red wine, calling it his secret to fighting aging.


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No less strange habits are Eminem. The famous rapper, going to the next trip or the tour, completely closes the windows in his hotel room - so to sleep in full, absolute, impermeable darkness.

Sandra Bullock

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The Oscar owner has a very busy habit, with the help of which Sandra is fighting aging: to keep youth and freshness of the skin, bullock makes an ointment from hemorrhoids on the face.

Cameron Diaz

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The famous actress suffers from the attacks of obsessive-compulsive disorder and therefore possesses the habit to open all the doors on its way exclusively by elbows - for many years.

Simon Cowell

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British TV presenter and Shoumen every day begins with a very unusual ritual - climbs on a tree to, according to his own words, "not forget about childhood."

Jessica Simpson

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Jessica Simpson never smoked - but for some reason I was used to chewing an antnicotine gum, which is intended, in general, solely for those who are trying to quit smoking.

Katy Perry

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The famous singer has one without a doubt the useful habit, which has become almost in mania: going to another concert tour, Katie is lucky with him several toothbrushes - and cleans the teeth six times a day.

Jason Sigel

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Let the star of the series "How I Met Your Mother" is considered one of the most recognizable comedy actors, Jason Sigel is not so funny - and even somewhere crazy - secret: in his house there is a secret room in which Jason keeps his collection Puppets.

Jennifer Aniston

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Jennifer Aniston to Madness is afraid of aircraft - but, since the actress is something and the matter has to fly, she has developed a habit and now always enters the cabin of the aircraft with the right leg. And Aniston before the flight must necessarily touch the plane.

Christian Bale

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Hey, you! Black cat! I'm watching you!

The famous actor has a very funny and even somewhere worthy of respect Habit: the star of films about Batman set forth the goal to prove that all superstitions are absolutely unsuitable. He specifically goes under the stairs, is not afraid of broken mirrors and black cats - in general, challenges each superstition on his way.

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