"Lucky to your husband": Alexander Revva's wife delighted fans with a picture in Bikini


Alexander Revva lives with his wife Angelica for more than 10 years, but fans say that the wife of a humorist still looks young and beautiful, as many years ago. The girl often publishes photos on its social network page, invariably causing enthusiasm subscribers. No exception and one of the last posts of instady.

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Погоня за солнцем.. ? ??‍♀️

Публикация от A N G E L I K A R E V V A (@angelikarevva)

On the series of pictures of the spouse of 45-year-old Alexander posing in front of the camera, taking sunny baths in a spectacular bikini. Mom two children chose a stylish image. On Angelica, a black separate swimsuit, which emphasizes the magnificent breast of the girl, and underwear with a high neckline shows in all its glory tightened legs of Angelica and a thin waist.

The thick long hair of the star dissolved, and they fluttering around the wind, and the lips caused shine. The image is complemented by sunglasses and small earrings. Posing in front of the camera, Alexander's spouse took a piquant, seductive pose.

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Между двух солнц... ???? #СемьяРА

Публикация от A N G E L I K A R E V V A (@angelikarevva)

Social network users rated the beauty of Angelica and trembled with its compliments, calling "unreal", "stunning" and "very sexy."

"Lucky to your husband", "Gorgeous woman!", "Fashion model", "Sea nymph", "Beautiful and real!" - write folloviers.

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