"Unhappy Baba": Mark Zakharov's daughter is registered in drug concern


The 58-year-old actress Alexander Zakharov was recorded in a narcological clinic. Her colleagues have long been talking about the fact that the actress has a dependence on alcohol, but this fans have become known only now. The daughter of the director Mark Zakharov was addicted to the hard drink after the death of the famous father, writes the Edition of the Express Newspaper.

Apparently, at first she tried to cope with this "ailment" herself, but then she still had to refer to specialists. Marshak Dmitry Vakoklin, Chief Physician, said that in a medical facility there is a whole star list in which you can find Alexander. This confirmed the colleague actress Lyudmila Torgin.

"Unhappy Baba - without a husband, children, friends. Yes, rich, so what? " She told.

It is rumored that it was the alcoholic dependence that was the cause of the separation of Zakharova and her husband Vladimir Steklov. After the divorce, the actress in a new marriage did not enter.

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