Ben Affleck, Gal Gadote and others will return to the commencement of the "League of Justice"


The news that Zack Snyder still will show the world to the world of the League of Justice, became a real gift for fans, but things are going better and better. The day before it turned out that in October the director will return to the shooting platform to bring the project to perfection, and the best actors franchise actors will help him.

Ben Affleck (Batman), Henry Kavill (Superman) and Gadot Gal (Wonder Woman) gather together to work on new powerful scenes, which, obviously, will help forever rehabilitate the "Fair League" in the eyes of critics and DC fans.

Ben Affleck, Gal Gadote and others will return to the commencement of the

By the way, Ray Fisher as a cyborg must join this strong company. It is noteworthy that Fisher had previously accused Warner Bros. In the fact that the studio allowed Joss Wyonu, who replaced the Snidder in the director's chair, shirk the film, turning it into a mockery over the original idea. So for the actor, cooperation with Zak is probably especially valuable.

It is expected that, thanks to the work with the existing material and new shooting, the Snider will turn the "Justice League" in the mini-series of four episodes. The premiere of the film version of the film is expected on HBO Max next year, but the exact release date is not in a hurry.

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