"Like sisters": the new photo Alsu with Jeanne Martirosyan produced a Furior


The 37-year-old singer Alsu fascinated the fans of a new photo shoot, posing in front of the camera along with the wife of a resident Comedy Club Garik Martirosyan. Despite the years, the actress remains in great shape than pleases its fans.

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Я и моя Снежанна (кто знает, то поймёт?) @jannalevina_martirosyan ?

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In the personal Instagram account, she actively talks about the creative successes of his daughter Michella Abramova, who went in the footsteps of Mom. Frequently, the artist places and pictures where it is captured in the company of star colleagues. The other day, in his microblog, Alsu published the "carousel", in which played at the camera along with Jeanne Martirosyan.

To shoot the singer chose a free blouse, repaid zone neckline. To the bright top, the performer picked up black leather pants, she did not forget about bright accents - a massive golden chain on her neck and red lipstick on her lips. Comician spouse chose a pink suit with a light top. On the "title" picture of the photo series Alsu gently hugs a girlfriend, with a smile looking into the lens.

"I and my Snezhanna (who knows, will understand)," the singer's footage commented.

"Tatar-Jewish Igo," the friend answered her, placing the same "carousel" in his account.

Compliments of the fans did not make themselves waiting, the fans rapidly responded to the publication of the star, noting stylish images of girlfriends.

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"Luxury," Follovier enthusiasts.

"Like sisters," the others wrote.

"Favorite beauties!" - Noted in the comments of the singer Zara.

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