We miss the "enchanted": Alissa Milano showed how planned to look in the apocalypse


The other day the star of the "enchanted" Alyssa Milano has played his subscribers with a joke about the Apocalypse. The actress posted a collage, which showed how she "planned" look at the "end of the world" and how it happened in reality.

Alissa compared two pictures. The first - a frame from the series, an episode called "Pupae from Valkhalla", where it is captured in the image of a warriper in a sexy leather suit. The second is a cute home photo, on which Alissa with a happy view stands in the daughter's room, dressed in pajamas.

We miss the

Subscribers Milano noted that it was still in excellent form and looks good. "The same beauty and ledgeon, as it was. It doesn't matter what in pajamas "," still good "," Just revising "enchanted", tears come from memories, "users write.

After success in the TV series "Enchanted", Alissa Milano became a political and public activist. Together with her husband David Buglyari, she brings up two children - Elizabella and cute. As can be seen, the bold sexual images of the actress now prefers homemade comfort. Now she sits on a quarantine with her family and periodically records foolish videos for Tik Tok.

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