George Clooney discovered Ben Affleck from the role of Batman


In 1997, George Clooney was already a popular star thanks to the series "Ambulance", but then he has not yet imagined how hard it can hit the actor unjustified expectations of the audience. "I took the whole fire," recalled Clooney in a conversation with journalists. - I played Batman and was not very good, like the film itself. Because of this, I had to rethink my approach to work, because I was no longer just an actor who received a role, but carried a personal responsibility for the ribbon. "

George Clooney discovered Ben Affleck from the role of Batman 92693_1

George Clooney discovered Ben Affleck from the role of Batman 92693_2

George Clooney discovered Ben Affleck from the role of Batman 92693_3

This fact made George seriously talk to Ben Affleck, with whom the actor produced the project "Argo Operation", and give him advice. "We really had a conversation. I told him: "Do not do this." I only came out of my experience, but he coped fine, "said Clooney.

George Clooney discovered Ben Affleck from the role of Batman 92693_4

It is worth admitting that Affleck should have heed to listen to the Council of the colleague, since the image of Batman did not keep the star happier. Before trying superhero's costume, Ben faced the discontent of the fans, and later he was seriously worried about the failure of the film "Batman against Superman" and the "League of Justice".

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